Click here to add the extension mapping information you have just entered into ZipIt's list. If the extension is already in the list, then the information for that extension will be replaced.
Click here to add the extension mapping information you have just entered. Not available because you have not made any changes to any of the above fields.
Click here to delete the selected extension from the list.
Type an filename extension of between one and three letters here.
Click here to choose an example of the type of file you want the specified extension to be mapped onto.
This is a list of all the extension mapping information that ZipIt knows about.
Type here the file type that you want files with the specified extension to have, or choose a common file type from the popup menu.
You may choose a common file type from this menu, or type any file type into the box on the left.
Type here the file creator that you want files with the specified extension to have, or choose a common creator from the popup menu.
You may choose a common file creator from this menu, or type any creator into the box on the left.
Check this box if the extension represents a text file. Uncheck this box if files with this extension are binary.